Welcome Fall! One of my favorite seasons! The beauty of the colors!
I am currently finishing up with an online class with Heather Held, "Italian Hand". A lovely and romantic hand that pre-dates copperplate. Heather suggests Ox Gall ink, for fine hairlines and nice shades and it truly makes for some beautiful letters, but I had quite a problem with nib breakage. Constant cleaning and rinsing of the nib did help with this. But I did start using walnut ink darkened with a bit of sumi for practice. Though the Ox Gall is a much more pleasing look. This was my third class with Heather this year, first one was "The Enchanted Letter", the second was "The Artful Flourish". It has been wonderful she is truly a gifted artist and teacher. I am also signed up for next year with a combo class of "Line Dances" and "Vintage Garden"
Also, next year I will be taking a trip to Chicago to be in a class with Suzanne Cunningham. She is also a gifted calligrapher.
I signed up for a watercolor class at Forever Learning. I always said I could be a professional student! Too bad it costs me money not the other way round!
July Meeting
Quote: You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life. (From The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt)
We discussed the picnic, new additions to the blog and the disappointment of the cancelation of "Days of the Handmade Book". Also, Jo McPherson will no longer be our communications person, that job has been taken over by Sharon Esmont. Thank you Jo for all your years of service, we will miss you. For Show and Tell, several books were passed around. Angie West shared some origami folds she had been doing also Pat, Angie and Ginny showed some of the wonderful marbled papers they had done. Maureen had samples of Akim cursive she was working on and Judy showed us her lovely zentangles.
Maureen's practice Akim |
Maureen's practice Akim |
Book's Pat bought |
Samples from Ginny, Pat and Angie |
Anna watching Angie work |
Angie's Origami fold structure |
Judy's Zentangles |
August Meeting and Picnic
Quote: If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever. (Alfred Tennyson)
Wonderful event at Ginny VanderHey's home, good food, good company, what more can you ask for! We all turned in our artwork copies and they were all fantastic. We have so many talented people in our group we are truly blessed. Anna Schlemma was able to attend a workshop with David McGrail and what amazing techniques she learned!
Artwork by Ginny VanderHey |
Anna's Book |
Anna's Book |
Anna's Book |
Anna talking about David McGrail |
David McGrail technique |
Making your own washy tape |
September Meeting
Quote: Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. (Twyla Thara)
On March 28th and 29th we will have a workshop with Amity Parks at the Walnut Grove community building, details to follow.
Angie instructed 6 members in Italic, going around helping all to achieve their goals.
Business cards were passed out to all members present and I will bring to all meetings, be sure to pass them around and pick up more as you need them. Thank you Angela Michielutti for you work and efforts on these cards. Job well done.
Show and tell: Ginny our master sewer as well as calligrapher brought in bags she had made, beautiful! Renee brought in samples of Italian Hand from her Heather Held class and was talked into a possible class for next year in this hand. I have a lot of practicing to do!!!
Ginny's bags |
Linda Elder |
Linda Elder |
Linda Elder |
Linda Elder |
Linda Elder |
Pat West |
Renee's Italian Hand sample |
Maureen's binding of Book exchane |
October 5 – Regular Meeting. Bring Italic practice and/or
finished piece, .
and as always bring your Show and Tell!
November 2 – Study of Blackletter 10am to 3pm, bring a
lunch, and as always bring your Show and Tell!
December 7 – Christmas Party, bring Blackletter practice
and/or finished piece, and as always bring your Show and Tell!
March 28th and 29th 2020 - Amity Parks
Our workshops seem to have people sign up and then decide
not to attend. We have been very generous in returning monies paid for the
workshop if someone decides not to attend at the last minute, but we are going
to have a change in this policy. There will be a nominal fee if you drop out of
a workshop. If there would be an emergency, for instance the birth of a
grandchild, illness, etc., then the board will take this under advisement to
decide on a course of action regarding a refund. Also, if the workshop is
filled, and there is someone to take your place, that would also qualify for a
refund. So please, if you want to sign up foe the workshop, make sure that you
put that date on your calendar as a commitment. We have a small calligraphy
group and we struggle to fill workshops at times. We need all of you to attend
as many as possible so that we can continue to have quality instructors.
If so, look up your favorite calligraphers, because they are
on Facebook also. I like to look at Barbara Blose, Reggie Ezell, Julian Waters,
John Stevens, Rachel Yallop, Pendragons, Capital City Scribes, Yukimi Annand,
etc.. There are lots of beautiful calligraphy on these pages that will get you
inspired. Also look at Joanne Fink and Barbara Lever’s Facebook pages. Be sure
to check Pinterest, so many places to be inspired!
Due to a lack of much mail at our Post Office box in South
Bend we have suspended any mail sent to that address. If you have anything to
send to the Michiana Calligraphy Guild, please send to Laurie Heyden, 18292
Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637 or Renee Tuveson, 928 Finch Dr., South
Bend, Indiana 46614.
Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame,
please mention MCG, and the will give
is a small stipend.
Annual dues of $15 are due at the July meeting. Our annual
dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for
our Make It/Take It at meetings and our annual raffle in August, and in
December our donation to local charities. Please remember to bring your dues to
the July meeting or send to Laurie Heyden, our treasurer at 18292 Courtland
Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637.