A note from the chairperson
Where does the time go......? I ask myself that question everyday. The summer flew by and we are headed for the long cold winter.I have been busy puttering with trying to improve my pointed pen and making books. For me bookmaking and calligraphy are like the old chicken and the egg controversy. Which came first? I love them both and always have. As a child I was fascinated with cursive writing and remember when my mother was writing a letter to her brother, who was in the service I would scribble on a piece of paper in a linear fashion and ask that she send my letter too. Folded papers stapled together made a book which I would draw pictures in. So how long have I been a calligrapher and bookmaker? FOREVER!
I have recently become a user of Instagram, my son does nature photography as a hobby, though he is good enough to be a professional. He posts on Instagram as the quality is better than Facebook. Anyway that opened a whole new world for me with calligraphy. I have found calligraphers I never heard of before and they are amazing! My favorite is Nina Tran from Los Angeles, she is perfection! Her fans are all trying to get her to post on youtube as the videos on Instagram are short lived. She does a live session at 9:30 am (our time) on Tuesday mornings and the video is available for the rest of the day. A watercolor artist I follow is Esther Peck, she does the most gorgeous flowers! Give Instagram a try it is really worth it.
The quote for our July meeting was : Rest when you are weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work. by Ralph Marston.
We had some wonderful Show and Tell.Featuring some of the things brought: Ginny Vander Hey brought a quilt she made for one of her grandchildren, an applique with 2 manatees on it. Beautiful! As well as cards she had made using her "poured acrylic techniques". Anna Schlemma brought books that she has been working on that were truly stunning. Angie West brought a card she made using her marbled paper.
Our Make and Take project for July was an Accordion Book, which Ginny and I collaborated on. A pretty simple structure that allows you to add to it and make as elaborate as you want. My structure was a little longer allowing you to fold and make pockets. I think everyone enjoyed this book.
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Ginny and her quilt |
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Ginny's card |
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Mini Acrylic Pour |
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Mini Acrylic Pour |
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Anna Schlemma Book |
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Anna Schlemma's Book |
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Angie West's Card |
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Accordion Book for July |
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Covering the outside sewing |
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Inside signatures |
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Assortment of Accordion Books |
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Showing pocket |
The food was amazing as always with warm chicken salad, BBQ meatballs, avocado salsa, cheese cake, lemon curd cake and cookies and more!
We had a surprise visit from Anne Binder who brought give a ways for everyone, and discussed a new "Day of the Handmade Book" which would be held in 2019. This would require a venue and much help from our members. An exciting adventure to say the least!
Ginny and Pat gave a demo on doing the acrylic pours. The process is messy but the results are amazing!
Finally came the book exchange in which seven of us participated and the books were all amazing. We are blessed with a wonderful and talented group! Sadly our photographer was too busy talking to take many pictures!
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Pat and Ginny doing an acrylic pour |
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some of our books |
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Anna's book |
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Pat's book |
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Piece that Anne Binder is working on |
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Anne Binder peeking over MCG banner |
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Marty's book |
We are all saddened by the passing of one of our members Lauren Matacio on July 30. She was a lovely and versatile woman.
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Monogram by Angela Michielutti |
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coptic stitch books by Laurie Heyden |
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Book by Marty Mitchell |
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Copperplate by Hannah Yoder |
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Hannah Yoder's coptic covers |
Our Make and Take this month was presented by Laurie Heyden and we made coptic stitch books. A challenging book but made much easier with the use of a curved needle! Hannah Yoder came prepared with beautiful wooden covers for her book.
Well that is a synopsis of meetings for the last 3 months.
Renee Tuveson
Lauren Matacio
by Ginny VanderHey
On July 30, 2018, our fellow calligrapher and artist, Lauren Matacio, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer that she was diagnosed with in December, 2017. I think I saw Lauren once at a meeting after her diagnosis. She looked pale and thinner, but was hanging in and trying to live her life. On Sunday,August 12,I picked up Anna and Renee in Granger and we drove to Berrien Springs and wound up on the campus of Andrews University and Pioneer Memorial Chapel, where Angie West joined us. There were lots of people at the service which was a testimonial to Lauren's life of which she accomplished so many things. She worked in the Andrews University Library for many years and was able to procure the MCG some room to have a book display several years ago. Lauren played the organ at church on Sunday mornings so when we had a workshop on a Sunday, Lauren would be late because she first had to honor her commitment to the church. We learned she was a teacher, played flute, enjoyed calligraphy but most of all she was a loving mother to Jamie and they shared a very close relationship. Many of her friends and family stood up to tell stories about her life and one that sticks out for me was her former husband who reminisced about the 12 years of their marriage and how much they loved so many of the same things especially their daughter. Some of the stories were sad and some funny,but they all led to a deeper understanding of Lauren and her life that we were only a small part of.Rest in Peace Lauren, we will miss you.
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Lauren and her daughter Jamie |
Barbara Mann Workshop
Saturday,September 22 was a beautiful fall day outdoors, and a great day to spend learning Line Dancing from Barbara Mann. I don't have pictures to share because I was too busy absorbing information and trying out new methods-like warming up with blind contour drawing or using my non-dominant hand to draw. It was a stretching and humbling experience to find that I produced a better contour drawing with my non-dominant hand.
Barbara shared her time, tools and supplies generously with all. She spent one-on-one time going around the room giving custom instructions to each participant. I learned about her methods of adding color from one part of the piece into another (sometimes ver different) part of the piece to establish unity. Doing that makes even an unexpected color look right; for example, the black bird that I painted ended up taking form when shadows were enhanced with purple drawn from the purple mum behind him. Difficult to describe on paper, but Barbara's instruction brought it all together.
We learned to capture the essence of the object instead of religiously counting and trying to reproduce the exact number of petals on each blossom. This is a dance,not a rigid exercise. We were inspired as Barbara generously shared her journals, displaying her innovative ways of incorporating color charts and the creative ways she documented specific paints, papers, and other details. One of the most freeing tips that she shared was the idea that when you have a nice, fresh blank book or journal don't let it intimidate you. No one says you need to start on the first page and fill it with perfect pictures-flip to a page somewhere in the middle and just begin. If you follow her lead and record the date and other particulars, it clearly makes no difference how you work through a blank book - it's yours to use and play with.
The day left me feeling refreshed, inspired and grateful. I can't wait for her next class!
Linda Bigger
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Barbara Mann |
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Pat West and Sharon Esmont |
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Angie West and Laura Fuderer |
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Pat West |
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Laura Fuderer |
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Maureen Trubac |
Things of Interest
Ginny VanderHey found this interview with Julie Wildman and wanted to share with everyone.
Barbara Walsh and Mary Mitchell both have watercolors at the South Bend Museum of Art presented by the Watercolor Society. This exhibit is open until November 11.
Angela Michielutti is having an exhibit in Bloomington, Indiana of her most recent pieces. If anyone is in the area at that time be sure to see, her work is wonderful!
Our workshops seem to have people sign up then decide not to attend. We have been very generous in returning monies paid for the workshop if someone decides not to attend at the last minute, but we are going to have a change in this policy. There will be a nominal fee if you drop out of a workshop. If there would be an emergency, for instance, the birth of a child or grandchild, illness, etc., then the board will take this under advisement to decide on a course of action regarding a refund. Also, if the workshop is filled, and there is someone to take your place, that would also qualify for a refund. So please, if you want to sign up for the workshop, make sure that you put that date on your calendar as a commitment. We have a small calligraphy group and we struggle to fill workshops at times. We need all of you to attend as many as possible so that we can continue to have quality instructors.
Are you on Facebook? If so, look up your favorite calligraphers because they are on facebook also. I like to look at Barbara Close, Reggie Ezell, Julian Waters, John Stevens, Rachel Yallop, Pendragons, Capital City Scribes, Yukimi Annand, etc. There are lots of beautiful calligraphy on these pages that will get you inspired. Also look at Joanne Fink and Barbara Lever's Facebook page. And then, there is always Pinterest. Oh my, so many places to be inspired!
PO Box in South Bend - Due to a lack of much mail at our Post Office box in South Bend, we have suspended any mail sent to that address. If you have anything to send to the MCG, please send to Laurie Heyden, 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637 or Ginny VanderHey, 51854 Stoney Creek Dr., Elkhart, Indiana 46514. When monies are due for a workshop or dues, they will now go to one of these addresses.
American Frame - Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame. please mention MCG, and they will give us a small stipend.
Annual Membership
Annual dues of $15 are due at the July meeting. Our annual dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for our make it/take it meetings, annual raffle in August and, at the end of the year, we give to local charities. Please remember to bring your dues to the July meeting or send to Laurie Heyden, our treasurer at 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend,Indiana 46637Officers
Renee Tuveson,President 574-291-3621 rtuveson@hotmail.com
Marty Mitchell,Vice President 574-675-9007 martyjmm@gmail.com
Laurie Heyden,Treasurer - silverbird323@yahoo.com
Pat West, Secretary 574-612-9328 -pwpatwest@gmail.com
Jo McPherson, Study Group Chairperson - jobakestwo@centurylink.net
Renee Tuveson-Blog Coordinator
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