Can’t believe it’s October! I hope everyone is well and healthy and staying safe. Seems this is going to be the new normal for a while.
Anyway –
What have you been doing? I have kept busy, too busy. Still haven’t settled into enjoying anything that I have learned in the classes! I keep telling myself that I will stop taking these classes and just play and then I see a class and well, I can’t seem to let it slide by.
I started out July with Maria Helena Hoksch, this was for 3 week ends, running from 2:00pm to 4:30pm each day (6 sessions) this was on design, decoration and illustration and was in the form of a webinar so there wasn’t any work involved for those of us watching, but a lot of note taking. This was on Zoom through “The European Pointed Pen Collective”, a wonderful organization that is very sharing and caring
I also had four 1 hour classes with Nina Tran on Copperplate majuscules. I had 4 sessions with Gemma Black on Fractur through Ardington Academy on Zoom and I had to get up at 4:30 am for this 5:00am class. But it was worth it! Next was 3 sessions with Yukimi Annand doing “Drawn and Built-Up Capitals” (Zoom) through Pen Dragons. If anyone has taken a class through Pen Dragons they go all out to make the experience as wonderful as it can be. They mailed all participants bound copies of Yukimi’s examples! This workshop was on the letters of Hermann Killian and Yukimi has done a wonderful study of them!
In August I started with Carol DuBosh and Ben Shahn letters, this was a fun 2 hour class (on Zoom). Then I Zoomed with Joy Daniels “Getting Back to Basics” a wonderful relaxing and very informative week-end. This also was through the European Pointed Pen Collective and they have a wonderful interview with her on their website. At the end of August I Zoomed with Rachel Yallop for 2 sessions on “The Swelling Line”. A wonderful class on flourishing copperplate. I have both books that Rachel has put out “A Simple Copperplate Manual” and “Copperplate Variations”. Both are excellent. Julie Wildman ‘s Alphabet book was also in August , designing an alphabet and creating an accordion book (wonderful). So much fun, Julie is a wonderful and sharing teacher!
In September I signed up for Marina Soria, “The Empty Space –Womb of Shape” which won’t finish up until October 5. This class was devoted to the negative space and using it creatively. Also signed up for Yves Leterme “Thoughtful Gestures” through Harvest Crittenden’s Acorn Arts. This is for 6 sessions, you watch his videos and send in “homework” for him to critique. Julie Wildman’s “Inside Curve” was next, exploring letter shapes. Carol DuBosch and “Hand Embossing” was a wonderful exercise, lots of tips and ideas for our art pieces. Finally a class with Pat Blair on “Flourished Copperplate Capitals”
I have three classes scheduled for October, Heather Held’s “Enchanted Meadow” this is through the Michigan Association of Calligraphy. One day workshop 10:00am to 4:00pm. Then starting on October 11th Heather Held , again “The Poetic Pen” this is on Italian hand. On October 8th and 9th I will spend time with Pat Blair for her “Ornamental Flourishing Harvest and Holiday.
Is there a doctor in the house, I think I have a problem and really need to stop! A dear friend sent me a book called “OCD Obsessive Calligraphy Disorder” by Jean Wilson and Cheryl Adams. I believe this is what I am suffering from. I need to get myself under control! I think I need calligraphers anonymous!
Heather Held - https://heathervictoriaheld.com/
Maria Helena Hoksch - https://calligraphybymariahelena.com/
European Pointed Pen Collective - https://www.pointedpencollective.com/
Harvest Crittenden – Acorn Arts - https://acornartsclasses.org/
Nina Tran - http://anintran.com/
Gemma Black- http://www.gemmablack.com/
Ardington Academy - https://www.ardingtonacademy.com/#/
Yukimi Annand - https://yukimiannand.com/
Yukimi’s website is currently under construction , but you can see some of her work.
Pen Dragons - https://www.pendragonscalligraphy.org/
Carol DuBosch - https://www.caroldubosch.com/
Joy Daniels - http://joydanielscalligraphy.co.uk/
Rachel Yallop - http://www.rachelyallop.co.uk/
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Angie West |
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Angie West |
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Anna Schlemma |
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Anna Schlemma |
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Anna Schlemma |
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Ginny VanderHey |
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Judy Theurel |
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Linda Elder |
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Linda Elder |
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Maureen Trubac |
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Maureen Trubac |
A great big cheer for our Commander-in-Chief, Renee Tuveson for navigating us through our “can’t be together at the church for meetings” time this year. Renee has painstakingly found a way for us to hold a meeting on an app called Zoom. Zoom is a program that is used to hold meetings, conferences and family get togethers during the COVid Pandemic of 2020.
The COVid virus of 2020 has taken away our ability to get together as family, friends, co-workers, etc. For some that means no birthday parties, weddings, dinners, because this would put us all at risk, especially us older folks. Going to the nursing homes to visit our geriatric relatives was impossible and only visiting them through windows was the only option available.
Renee figured out how to host a meeting, for whoever wanted to participate, so that we could see and talk to other members of the Michiana Calligraphy Guild. Renee also did a power point demonstration of artwork if someone wanted to show their work that they had recently done and we could talk about the process that work involved.
We all miss our friends and family, but thanks to Renee and her tech savvy, we were able to see familiar faces and hear voices that we have not been able to hear for the past almost 4 months now. She went above and beyond to get us together. Thank you so much Renee Tuveson for bringing us together when we have to stay apart. Hopefully we will be able to have our picnic at the church in August, even though we will still sit “six feet apart”. Maybe someone wants to letter those words!
Ginny VanderHey
Note from Renee:The aborNove article was obviously written several months ago. I appreciate Ginny’s kind words but was a little embarrassed to add this to the blog and have since been convinces to publish it. Thank you Ginny for the article and you and the other members of this guild mean a lot to me. I enjoy our time together and am pleased that so many of you still come to our meetings. Technology cam be overwhelming, it is f me. But I felt I had to do it and I am so glad I did. Love you all!
OCD(Or commonly known as Obsessive Calligraphy Disorder) Ginny VanderHey
I didn’t realize that I have a disease with a name attached to it; until Renee Tuveson pointed out that she has it too. We have been obsessed with this disease since March when we were all quarantined because of COVID 19. We had to cancel our Amity Parks workshop because of the virus that was spreading like wildfire all over the world. Now what were we going to do with our time? Sure, we had lots of paper and tools in our art rooms to keep us busy, but we needed inspiration to keep us trying new things and growing in our calligraphic life.
If I remember correctly, the first online Zoom class I noticed was one that the Dallas/Ft. Worth Calligraphy Guild was sponsoring with Tamer Ghoneim who did blackletter lettering in a circle. This was a free Zoom class and lots of people that we could actually see and talk to. Tamer is a very talented and and pretty new calligrapher who generously gave his time showing everyone who was interested in his lettering techniques. I loved his work and went straight to my art room and table to start writing in blackletter and enhancing it with designs in between the letters that he showed us how to do.
Next up was Jacqueline Sullivan who did an online Zoom class about painting a landscape in Jacqueline’s unique style. I didn’t actually finish that painting but someday, hopefully, I will get back to it.
After Jacqueline Sullivan’s class, I was hooked and started looking for classes online to keep me inspired. I have taken three classes with Calligraphaltalia that is hosted by Ali Riccardo in Italy. First was Jurgen Vercamst demonstrating his pencil lettering. He was nervous about his first class on day one, but on day two, he was more relaxed and more enjoyable. Both days were wonderful and we learned a lot about pencil and shading. Next was Gemma Black teaching Scriffito which is laying down gold leaf and scratching into it. The gold is softer than you think and Gemma showed us that all the things she does with this technique. The third class is currently with Marina Soria who lives in Buenos Aries. She is doing abstract calligraphy and I suggest you look her up to see her work which is stunning. Her classes are one hour for four Mondays which actually turn into almost 2 hours so we are getting a bonus every week. On the second week of this class, I also also had a Carol DuBosch class on embossing which turned out to be on the same day as the second Marina Soria class, and, they were back to back. Luckily Carol finished her class at about 2:58 pm which gave me time to get into the second Zoom class of the day. Whew!
Also took two classes with my dear friend Julie Wildman on Fun and Funky letters and The Inside Curve. Both classes were a lot of fun and Julie is always generous with her information to help you achieve your lettering goals.
I happened to see Rachel Yallop on Instagram advertising a class on her beautiful pointed pen lettering and knew that I would have to get into that class. I contacted her once about coming to South Bend a few years back to do a workshop and she replied with “you know I am in England, right?” Oops, no! I thought she was in Canada! So, I immediately signed up for her class. She also, was very generous in answering any questions that came her way and I absolutely loved being in her class for two days.
Next I saw Amity Parks was going to do a two-day, two-hour workshop on the middle of October. I knew we are going to have her in South Bend in 2021, but I thought I would get a head start on her beautiful pencil lettering and shading. I took an Amity Parks class in Kalamazoo called Chunky Caps using Bister Ink maybe two years ago and really enjoyed her teaching style.
A few days ago, I signed up for a Pat Blair class on Zoom. Par Blair was the White House calligrapher for many years and does beautiful pointed pen work. I actually was able to take a class with her in Kalamazoo several years ago. This class will be called Ornamental Flourishing Harvest & Holiday. I love the pointed pen, so this is right up my alley. It does say beginner on her ad for this class, so I wrote to her to make sure it wasn’t too elementary for me. She responded to my email very quickly and assured me that it wasn’t just for beginners so I knew I had to sign up for it.
So, as far as I know, I have not signed up for any more classes after the middle of October. We will be leaving early in November for our home in Florida for a few months and unfortunately, I cannot take all my art supplies with me, darn it! But, there is always Paper and Ink and John Neal to order supplies. If you haven’t yet tried a class on Zoom, give it a try. It’s the next best thing to being in a classroom surrounded by fellow artist and maybe you will see Renee and I there too, and Linda Elder, and Julie Wildman, and Pat West and Laurie Heyden, Yukimi Annand, etc. and more than likely see calligraphers that you’ve wanted to take classes from that like taking online calligraphy classes also.
Okay, a big show of hands here…who thinks I have Obsessive Calligraphy Disorder this year? Anyone, anyone…
A big thank you to Renee Tuveson for keeping us in the loop about what is going on in our guild through Zoom. Even though we cannot be together in person, I am enjoying seeing my artsy friends on the screen and chatting with them even for just a few minutes.
October10: Zoom Meeting and Book Exchange
November 7:Zoom Meeting TBD
December 5:Xmas Exchange TBD
John Neal Book
Paper and Ink Arts
Here is the original proposal for the Christmas Exchange we will keep up updated through the Zoom meetings and emails.
Project: Design a bookplate with a blank space for someone’s name.
Purpose: If the recipient wishes, she can make photocopies of the
design and adhere it to books in her library.
Size and media: 3” wide
by 4” high in portrait layout,
because most books are taller than they are wide. The original design could be
much larger and then be shrunk down in size via photocopying. Any kind of paper
and any graphic medium may be used, such as pencil, pen, marker, brush,
charcoal, watercolor, etc.
Deadline: Nov. 10th, to
send Renee an image of your design; and to mail your original design (or a
photocopy if it has to be reduced in size) together with a stamped
self-addressed envelope to Laura Fuderer, 18485
Garwood Ct., South Bend IN 46637. She will draw names at random and send
a bookplate to each participant before the December meeting. Wait to open your “gift” until the December
Purpose: Obviously, bookplates are meant to identify the owner of
a particular book, but they can also convey the pride the owner feels in their
collection or the hope that a book will be returned by a borrower. They often
have the words, “Ex libris” or the English, “From the library of”, followed by a blank space for the owner’s name. Or not.
Design: What’s depicted on a bookplate
is wide open to the imagination. It can be an illustration that is realistic,
symbolic, or abstract; or the plate can be just words, such as the classic
“who folds a leafe downe
Ye divel toaste browne
Who makes marke or blotte
Ye divel roaste hotte
Who stealeth thisse booke
Ye divel shall cooke.”
Historically, designs tended to be armorial and
depicted the owner’s coat of arms and crest on
a shield surrounded by a mantle (i.e., the cloak that a knight wore to the
crusades) and a banner inscribed with the family motto. Later bookplates were
more pictorial and might portray a landscape, the family home, an individual
reading a book, a library interior, a book or pile of books, animals, trees, a
favorite hobby, and so on. Open books, library interiors, and a scene viewed
through a library window have been favorite themes. While most bookplates have
been pictorial objects or scenes captured in black and white, there’s no reason they can’t
incorporate abstract, geometric, or floral patterns and be produced in color.
Really, the sky’s the limit.
To Be Determined
Our workshops seem to have people sign up and then decide not to attend. We have been very generous in returning monies paid for the workshop if someone decides not to attend at the last minute, but we are going to have a change in this policy. There will be a nominal fee if you drop out of a workshop. If there would be an emergency, for instance the birth of a grandchild, illness, etc., then the board will take this under advisement to decide on a course of action regarding a refund. Also, if the workshop is filled, and there is someone to take your place, that would also qualify for a refund. So please, if you want to sign up foe the workshop, make sure that you put that date on your calendar as a commitment. We have a small calligraphy group and we struggle to fill workshops at times. We need all of you to attend as many as possible so that we can continue to have quality instructors.
If so, look up your favorite calligraphers, because they are on Facebook also. I like to look at Barbara Blose, Reggie Ezell, Julian Waters, John Stevens, Rachel Yallop, Pendragons, Capital City Scribes, Yukimi Annand, etc.. There are lots of beautiful calligraphy on these pages that will get you inspired. Also look at Joanne Fink and Barbara Lever’s Facebook pages. Be sure to check Pinterest, so many places to be inspired!
Due to a lack of much mail at our Post Office box in South Bend we have suspended any mail sent to that address. If you have anything to send to the Michiana Calligraphy Guild, please send to Laurie Heyden, 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637 or Renee Tuveson, 928 Finch Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46614.
Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame, please mention MCG, and the will give is a small stipend.
Annual dues of $15 are due at the July meeting. Our annual dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for our Make It/Take It at meetings and our annual raffle in August, and in December our donation to local charities. Please remember to bring your dues to the July meeting or send to Laurie Heyden, our treasurer at 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637.
Renee Tuveson, President and Blog, rtuveson@hotmail.com
Marty Mitchell, Vice President, martyjmm@gmail.com
Laurie Heyden, Treasurer, silverbird323@jahoo.com
Judy Theurel, Secretary, judy@theurel.com
Sharon Esmont, Study Group sesmont@aol.com
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